Sports Studies

The Sports Studies course involves a mixture of practical and theory PE and will be a good choice for you if you enjoy physical activity and learning about the mechanics of the sporting world.

The Cambridge Nationals in Sport Studies take a sector-based focus, whilst also encompassing some core sport/physical education themes. Learners have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge about different types of sport and physical activity, skills development and sports leadership to their own practical performance. They will learn about contemporary issues in sport such as funding, participation, ethics and role models, and sport and the media. Learners will develop an appreciation of the importance of sport locally and nationally, different ways of being involved in sport and of how this shapes the sports industry.


The qualification equips you with sound specialist knowledge through practical application. Students will study two mandatory units and one optional unit from a choice of two. The two mandatory units are:

R184: Contemporary issues in sport (Examination in Year 11, 40% of final mark)

This is assessed by an exam

By completing this unit you will understand a range of topical and contemporary issues in sport, including learning about participation levels and barriers to completing sporting activities. You will also learn how participation is impacted by the promotion of values and ethical behaviour, about the role of high-profile sporting events, the role of national governing bodies and how technology is used in within sport.

Topics include:

Issues which affect participation in sport

The role of sport in promoting values

The implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country

The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport

The use of technology in sport.


R185: Performance and leadership in sports activities (coursework and practical taught across both Year 10 and 11, 40% of final mark)

This is assessed by a set assignment

In this unit you will have an opportunity to develop your skills both as a performer in two different sporting activities, and as a leader, developing a range of transferable skills. You will work both independently and as part of a team, including communicating with team mates as well as being in front of an audience when you perform. You will perform under pressure, both as a participant and as a leader, and will use your initiative to solve problems and make decisions. Finally, you will deal with rapidly changing conditions and situations.

Topics include:

Key components of performance

Applying practice methods to support improvement in a sporting activity

Organising and planning a sports activity session

Leading a sports activity session

Reviewing your own performance in planning and leading a sports activity session.


Optional topic

R187: Increasing awareness of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities (practical and coursework taught in Year 10, 20% of final mark)

This is assessed by a set assignment

In this unit you will understand how to find out information about what opportunities there are in your local area as well as nationally in the UK for all different types of outdoor/adventurous activities. You will learn how to enjoy the activities safely by finding out what equipment, clothing, facilities and technology you need, as well as completing planning to help keep you safe. Topics include:

Provision for different types of outdoor and adventurous activities in the UK

Equipment, clothing and safety aspects of participating in outdoor and adventurous activities

Plan for and be able to participate in an outdoor and adventurous activity

Evaluate participation in an outdoor and adventurous activity


If you have any further questions, please speak to Mr Handford.

You can also find more detailed information on the OCR website.


Physical Education lends itself to a range of careers in sportsand fitness aswell as other
industries that you may not have considered before.For example, did you know that
many nutritionists, physical therapists and chiropractors have a degree in PE?Some
careers that you could consider doing with PE include:

- Sports scientist
- PEteacher
- Physiotherapist
- Diet and fitness instructor or personal trainer

Take a look at some of the jobs we've identified below that make use of Sports:

Sports Coach


