Equality Objectives

Newbridge students are growing up in a diverse society, both locally and more globally through use of social media. Our key aim is to ensure that our young people are tolerant, empathetic and respectful of the differences amongst our society and that they have the confidence to challenge all types of discrimination and negative portrayal of certain groups of people. 

The Newbridge School recognises that the Equality Act has three aims and they are to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct under the Act
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
  • Foster good relations between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not

The Newbridge School is committed to promoting equality and diversity, providing an inclusive, caring and supportive environment, which is committed to the promotion of equity and genuine equal opportunity for all. Our Equality Objectives build on the core values of the school:

  • Resilience
  • Reciprocity
  • Reflectiveness
  • Resourcefulness

Equality Objectives 2022-23

Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation



Anticipated impact


Reduce LGBTQ+-phobic, sexist and racist language and encourage students to be upstanders.


Staff training on:

1.      Derogatory language

2.      Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic language

3.      Sexism and sexist hate

4.      Racism and racist language


Reduction in cases of students using derogatory language.


Student voice and student surveys show a decrease in the number of students experiencing derogatory language.


Student voice and student surveys show an increase in the number of students who believe that all derogatory language will be challenged and sanctioned.



1.    Aug 22

2.    Aug 22


3.   Oct 22

4.   Jan 23

Establish a clear calendar of events that educate and communicate to students the need to eradicate derogatory language, and the need to be an upstander. This will include assemblies, visiting speakers, tasks within the curriculum, Personal Development lessons, tutor time.

Sept 22

Hold parent forums to further develop the partnership between school and home in tackling derogatory language.

Dec 22

Launch the No Bystanders campaign with all students, resulting in students taking a pledge to be an upstander.

Autumn Term 1 22

Survey students re. sexual harassment, sexism, homophobia & transphobia, racism and act on the results


Regular student surveys to capture student voice.


Governors further their understanding of the Equality Duty and the school’s responsibility.


Governor meeting to go through equality objectives, followed by regular questioning of the objectives and their progress.

All governors have an increased awareness of the Equality Duty and this is reflected in LGB minutes.


Oct 22

Foster good relations between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not



Anticipated impact


Further develop the Shared Reading Programme in tutor time, making sure that the texts chosen include diverse representation and consider the world from new points of view.

Review texts chosen for the Shared Reading Programme and further increase the texts used over the year.

Students are exposed to a range of characters and stories that promote diversity and different cultures.

Sept 22

Mark and celebrate a range of events in school together including:

·        Black History Month

·        Pride Month

·        Diwali

·        Christmas

·        Eid

·        Disability Awareness Week

·        International Women’s Day

(see Diversity / SMSC Calendar)

Establish a clear calendar of events that mark and celebrate a range of cultural and significant events. This will include assemblies, visiting speakers, tasks within the curriculum, Personal Development lessons, tutor time, use of social media and celebrations in the Dining Hall.

Students further develop their understanding of different celebrations / events / festivals.


Students from different protected groups feel valued and seen.

Sept 22

Highlight the contribution of Sikh soldiers in Remembrance commemorations

Assembly and SMSC tutor time activity to focus on the contribution of Sikh soldiers.


Students are exposed to positive stories regarding groups who identify with specific protected characteristics.


Nov 22

Develop the learning environment to ensure that there is representation of diversity and different groups in society. This includes displays, posters, teaching resources, PowerPoints etc.



Staff training on diversity and the learning environment.


Regular site walks with Senior and Middle Leaders to evaluate diversity and the learning environment.

Students from different protected groups feel valued and seen.

Aug 22




Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not



Anticipated impact


Establish a Pride group for LGBTQ+ students.

Pride group established.

Staff at The Newbridge School collaborate with schools across the trust to look at best practice.

Students get involved in celebration events and initiatives to educate the wider school community.

Students from different protected groups feel valued and seen.

Sept 22

Challenge gender stereotypes.

Arrange visiting speakers to challenge gender stereotypes e.g. women in STEM careers.


Displays around the school challenge gender stereotypes.




Equality Objectives outcomes 2021-22

Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation







Foster good relations between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not







Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not







For further information, please see the

Equalities Act 2010

Public Sector Equality Duty