SEN & Vulnerable Students

Welcome to the SEND Department at The Newbridge School. 

We believe that every student, regardless of background, should have access to an exciting curriculum offer and the opportunity to make outstanding progress from their starting points. It is our vision that we strive to enrich the lives of young people in order to help them grow into confident, well-rounded citizens who play an active part in school life and the wider community. Through the 4Rs we want to develop active and independent learners who can take ownership of their educational journey as well as feel ready to one day enter the wider-world.

The School definition for SEN and for disability comes from the SEND Code of Practice (2014). This states that a child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. Special educational provision means educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream setting in England. The best available evidence indicates that great teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve student progress and attainment. Ensuring every teacher is supported in delivering high-quality teaching is essential to achieving the best outcomes for all students, particularly the most disadvantaged among them. Robust high expectations with effective scaffolding, cognitive and metacognitive approaches to learning in all classrooms is the core of the school offer.

At The Newbridge School, we have a dedicated and experienced team of staff that support the progress, well-being and achievement of all students with SEND. 

Our team is led by Miss Sophie Marlow who is our SENDCo and works closely with students and parents alike to ensure the best support and provision is provided when needed. 

We work closely with not only teaching staff but also the Pastoral Team to ensure your child feels happy and safe at school, aiming high at all times and achieving more. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Sophie Marlow via email on [email protected] 

Our team is responsible for: 

  • Liaising with students and parents to plan for the best possible outcomes for our students both socially and academically  
  • Liaising with schools and outside agencies to ensure that we have an excellent knowledge of our students and their needs 
  • Planning, updating and implementing the SEND. 
  • Tracking data and monitoring progress 
  • Planning, delivering and monitoring the impact of interventions 
  • Deploying the funding we receive in a way that most benefits our students 
  • Working with departments to ensure that the curriculum is accessible and differentiated appropriately to all 

Our SEND policy can be found here:

SEND Local Offer 17 August 2022

Provision Map 17 August 2022